PREP Act Update – March 11th, 2021
Who can administer vaccines? The latest amendment to the PREP Act expands qualified persons that may administer COVID-19 vaccines. Read the full amendment here. – Effective March 11, 2021
A summary chart provided by (Public Health Emergency, U. S. Department of Health & Human Services) outlines these updates and who may currently administer COVID-19 vaccines per the PREP Act. The full fact sheet including the chart can be found at here.
Click the chart below to view full-size in a new tab.
To download right click here and select “Save Link As”.

- Any dentist licensed or certified to practice under the law of any state who prescribes, dispenses, or administers COVID-19 vaccines in any jurisdiction where the PREP Act applies in association with a COVID-19 vaccination effort by a State, local, Tribal or territorial authority or by an institution in which the COVID-19 vaccine covered countermeasure is administered;
- Any dentist who has held an active license or certification within the last five years, which is inactive, expired or lapsed, so long as the license or certification was active and in good standing prior to the date it went inactive, expired or lapsed and was not revoked by the licensing authority, surrendered while under suspension, discipline or investigation by a licensing authority or surrendered following an arrest, and the individual is not on the List of Excluded Individuals/Entities maintained by the Office of Inspector General;
- Any dental student with appropriate training in administering vaccines as determined by his or her school or training program and supervision by a currently practicing healthcare professional experienced in administering intramuscular injections, subject to the following requirements:
- The vaccine must be authorized, approved, or licensed by the FDA;
- Vaccination must be ordered and administered according to ACIP’s COVID–19 vaccine recommendation(s);
- The healthcare professionals and students must have documentation of completion of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 Vaccine Training Modules and, if applicable, such additional training as may be required by the State, territory, locality, or Tribal area in which they are prescribing, dispensing, or administering COVID-19 vaccines;
- The healthcare professionals and students must have documentation of an observation period by a currently practicing healthcare professional experienced in administering intramuscular injections, and for whom administering vaccinations is in their ordinary scope of practice, who confirms competency of the healthcare provider or student in preparation and administration of the COVID-19 vaccine(s) to be administered and, if applicable, such additional training as may be required by the State, territory, locality, or Tribal area in which they are prescribing, dispensing, or administering COVID-19 vaccines;
- The healthcare professionals and students must have a current certificate in basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
- The healthcare professionals and students must comply with recordkeeping and reporting requirements of the jurisdiction in which he or she administers vaccines, including informing the patient’s primary-care provider when available, submitting the required immunization information to the State or local immunization information system (vaccine registry), complying with requirements with respect to reporting adverse events, and complying with requirements whereby the person administering a vaccine must review the vaccine registry or other vaccination records prior to administering a vaccine; and
- The healthcare professionals and students comply with any applicable requirements (or conditions of use) as set forth in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID–19 vaccination provider agreement and any other federal requirements that apply to the administration of COVID– 19 vaccine(s).
Registration for COVID-19 Vaccinations
Dentists and dental students must enroll in the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Immunization Program to be eligible to administer COVID-19 vaccines in Texas. The enrollment portal is now open. DSHS, our state’s public health department, is responsible for the vaccine distribution.
Register here:
Learn more about becoming a COVID-19 vaccine provider here:
At the June 18, 2021, Board meeting, the TSBDE voted to allow the COVID-19 emergency rule 108.7 to expire. Dental professionals are encouraged to continue following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Guidance for Dental Settings.
For your reference, this PDF includes the highlighted changes that were made to the updated emergency rule 108.7 (effective February 19, 2021). A strikethrough indicates the language was removed.
CDC Guidance for Dental Settings during COVID updated December 4, 2020
NIOSH-Approved N95 Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators: Updated May 5, 2020
Respirator – Trusted-Source Information
Counterfeit Respirators / Misrepresentation of NIOSH-Approval
Important Announcement from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
The offices of the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners are open and operational, and we will continue to perform the essential functions of our agency while providing the highest level of service possible. Please note that many of our staff are working remotely and our physical office is not open for visitors. The best way to contact the office for all issues is by email at