Server logs and log analysis tools are used on the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) web site only for statistical and site management purposes. The site ( does not use cookies (small files residing on a user’s hard drive, used by a web site to track specific information). All information collected, including server log information and emails sent to the agency, is subject to disclosure upon request pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act, codified at Texas Government Code, Section 552.011 (Vernon’s 2000). However, public provided email addresses that are used to communicate directly with the agency are exempt from open records and not subject to disclosure unless the member of the public affirmatively consents to release. Please also note that citizen emails sent to the agency  are not encryption protected by our server and may be subject to interception by common internet tools by third parties.

The content of our site is considered “public domain” and therefore can be used without permission; however prior to publication, we request notification from the public detailing the specific content being used and the location where the content will be published. Additionally, we have no restrictions on linking to our site, as long as a fee is not charged to access the site.